Monday, 5 November 2018

What if designer's planned that their designs would be around for 3000-5000 years?

It's just a thought, but I think we take the notion of slow fashion too lightly. It takes a long time to make a true Haute Couture gown, with a minimum of 80 hours hand work, and many others taking much more than this...

But what about thinking of slow fashion at the other end of the spectrum, how long can a garment that is hand made physically survive? I was astounded when looking at these two garments created so long ago, that there remains, in the essence of the ragged garments a pure sense of adornment and embellishment. Someone cared about this "particular" item, this particular dress, and decorated it with tucks and pleats or on the pants, some geometric design application.  So lovely to ponder. what I would make if I thought in 3000 years someone would be looking at it...

The world’s oldest woven garment, called the Tarkhan Dress, probably fell past the knees originally. At 5,100 to 5,500 years old, it dates to the dawn of the kingdom of Egypt.

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