Sunday, 10 February 2013

Happy Sunday,

I'm reading Simone de Beauvoir's "the Second Sex"for my research, when I come across this-

"It is sometimes surprising to see the strange getups elderly women like: tiaras, lace, bright dresses, and extravagant necklaces unfortunately draw attention to their ravaged features.  Now that they have given up seduction, clothes often become once again a gratuitous game for them as in their childhood."(1989:588)

Hmm, interesting, as I reach those middle years, I have noticed an attraction to enormous necklaces, and even have noticed myself lately looking at clothes which have a dash of colour in them (my usual urban uniform is Black and more black). In fact, I've almost fallen back into love with dressing up!

Then I think about the amazing excitement for fashion that the women in the video I posted last time (  showed for fashion, and I am wondering if age , and the lack of need to seen as sexy liberates women in their "golden years," and let's fashion just be fun again!

What do you think? How has getting older change the way you feel about your choice of clothes?

Choose Happiness
(Picture from :

Thursday, 7 February 2013

I've been feeling that age is this rising Tsunami wave that has come crashing over me lately, my skin, my hair, body all beginning the slow slide into middle age...oh dear!  But I have also been thinking about how lucky I am to have a heap of life memories which often pop to mind when I see a certain necklace or a particular handbag in my cupboard. It's easy to get nostalgic, and reminisce about those items and I will probably never say goodbye to them.

Is there something in your wardrobe which makes you go...argh, I remember....? Love to hear about it.

So in love with this little video-

Creative Crip Interview It was such a pleasure to discuss the creative industries with writer, speaker, appearance advocate (and in my opini...